Coming soon... Attempt number 2. The bigger, new and improved Dong Chim Chain!

Anyone whose spent anytime in Korea, especially around small children, will be fully aware of the 'dong chim' (똥침). The infamous 'poop needle', practiced throughout the country. The scourge of any unsuspecting teacher.

Well we plan to take the idea of the 'dong chim' to a whole new level, by creating the world's longest dong chim chain.

We plan to hold the event in Seoul. Further information will be posted as it becomes available. There is currently an application in with the Guinness World Records, to have the event officially recognised.

This is a cross-cultural event, promoting peace, love and harmony, by sticking your fingers up a strangers ass.

For further information contact or register now!

Are you a member of facebook? Then click on the link, to go to the World's Longest Dong Chim Chain, facebook group.

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